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You Were Meant For More

You are here because you have found success or are striving for it.  You do big things, and you know there is more.  


You are an innovator, creator, and dismantler.


You are carving new paths and exploring new possibilities; you yearn to break the mold and reach for more - you're okay with disrupting the old system - the old ways of doing, being, and thinking because you know there is more.


You are a doer, a go-getter, a person who asks questions and digs deeper.  


You have worked on yourself and know there is more to do, more ways to grow, more obstacles to transcend, and more opportunities to develop your mind and open your heart.



Hello Lovely!


I'm Lainne.


Award Winning Coach & Bestselling Author, Mystic, Self Mastery Maven, and Momma dedicated to helping Visionary Business Owners, and Conscious Parents transcend their limits, master their minds, and birth their legacies.


I specialize in transmuting trauma, overcoming limiting beliefs and breaking free through self-mastery.

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Magic happens when you remove the programming that has been holding you hostage so your internal magnetism can be restored, your truth can shine through, and you can easily grab hold of your desires. 

My commitment to you is to SUPERCHARGE your life. Heal the trauma and subconscious programming that are holding you back from living a life that is even better than you imagined.


Restore your innate brilliance and ability to take the right actions to have a life that brings you every joy you imagined, and confidently follow your own True North path.


The truth is that you are already amazing. You just need some help to remember how powerful you are and channel that power to take yourself to the next level in your business and life. 


Lainne is a Coaching & Healing Arts Practice that focuses on peeling back the layers of trauma that stagnant your growth, dull your brilliance, cloud your judgement, cloud your memory and make you lose sight of your purpose. I aim to restore your clarity and help you to reclaim your destiny.


I promote healing, wellness, coping and personal change through tailor-made Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing services with your unique goals, at your pace and for your journey.


We are dynamic beings. We are emotional, energetic, physical, mental, spiritual beings and in order to move through trauma we need to support all of the aspects and expressions of ourselves.


Rewiring/rewriting your subconscious programming is very powerful and often addresses emotional, physical, mental, and sometimes spiritual healing. By reprogramming our subconscious mind we can change the meaning that we gave experiences that created trauma in our minds and bodies and rewrite what we made that experience to mean about us.



Beautiful female warrior elf with sword.

You were meant for more.
Claim it.

Dramatic Transformation

Having been to many therapists of all kinds you are in an elite short list.×´ 



Force of Nature

“Lainne painted a dazzling vision of what's within me and what's possible in my future.×´ 



Quite Remarkable

“Lainne is able to hear something in ourselves that we need to know.×´ 



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